未来的游戏框架边框设计与在线和离线屏幕. 现代游戏覆盖布局矢量流媒体. 直播覆盖模板设计与简单的形状和按钮.
Sales: 1
释放这只威严的老虎凝视的野性力量! 这个详细的矢量捕捉了原始的美 & 原始能量用粗体黑色表示 & white. 完美的标志,品牌,和野生设计项目.
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
沉浸在游戏中与我们的足球场矢量模板在顶视图. This detailed illustration portrays the layout and dimensions of a standard football court.
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects

酒精插画集 by BaladesignStd

Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable
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一套10个数字营销的三维矢量等距插图:跨渠道, Online Advertising, 入站营销vs出站营销, Seo ranking, 本地市场广告等.
New Product
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects
Feature:- High resolution 300dpi- PNG (Transparent Background)- All graphics are 100% vector- well organized- Easy Editable Perfect for a multitude of creative projects

矢量图像下载- EPS, JPG, AI, PDF格式

Vector images are highly appreciated over traditional types because of the advantages they bring.

首先,它们是灵活的. This means you can enlarge or shrink the graphics indefinitely without losing quality or resolution. 这将允许您调整它们以适应任何类型的内容和屏幕格式.

Plus, 您可以通过重塑和添加元素轻松地处理它们, 允许您最大的可定制性. 因此,您可以将它们用于多种目的,而无需更改图形.

这些只是他们带来的一些好处. Therefore, as you can imagine, 使用矢量图像可以在许多方面对您和您的内容有益.

However, 履行他们的职能, 它们需要使用专业软件来创建, which requires time, money, and experience.

如果你不熟悉它们的用法, 购买现成的矢量图像可能是一个更方便的选择. This way, you'll be able to take advantage of professional work while saving time and money.


在整个templatemmonster市场中,你会发现成千上万的 vector images 涉及不同的主题,由来自世界各地的专家设计.

所有的图像都可以使用,并以多种格式提供, 这将允许您选择最适合您的预期用途的一个. However, 如果你找不到能完美反映你品牌身份和风格的图形, 它们也是可编辑的. 你可以很容易地改变它们的颜色, shapes, 或者使用一些兼容的程序或在线工具进行整体设计.

Plus, 因为矢量图像是高度灵活的, 您可以将它们用于不同的目的,并使它们适应不同的格式.

因为你可能会发现很难在成千上万的图像中找到正确的图像, 您还可以通过使用多个过滤器使研究更直接. 您可以按主题筛选结果, price range, file format, 程序的兼容性, rating, last update, and more. Using this method, 你只能得到你最有可能感兴趣的结果, 这样可以节省你的时间.


All the vectors you’ll find across the marketplace are related to different topics and satisfy any industry-related preference or need. Thus, 不管你或你的企业经营的是哪个行业, 你肯定会找到几个相应的图形. 以下是你可以找到的一些最常见的话题:

  • home and family;
  • society;
  • computers;
  • entertainment;
  • animals;
  • holidays;
  • art and culture.

File formats

所有矢量图像都有多种格式. 每种格式都是比较适合的,适合于某种用途. 因此,您应该根据您的预期用途选择一个而不是另一个. 以下是您可以选择的最常见文件格式列表:

  • EPS;
  • JPG;
  • AI;
  • PDF;
  • PNG;
  • SVG;
  • JPEG.


Although most of the vector images are ready to use, 它们也是可编辑的 and customizable. Thus, 即使你找不到一张完全符合你需要或喜好的图片, 您可以编辑它并更改其颜色, shapes, and overall design. 以下是您可以使用的一些最流行的编辑程序:


矢量图像是多用途的. 这意味着您可以调整它们以适应不同类型的内容和格式大小. 另外,一个图形可以帮助你达到不同的目的.



因为矢量图形可以缩放到任何大小, 他们是理想的绘制任何类型的网站插图, including icons, diagrams, schemes, etc. Thus, 如果你需要完美的轮廓,在调整大小或重塑时不会模糊, 这些是您应该选择的正确图像类型.


矢量图形也非常适合打印,因为它们具有可扩展性. You can place the graphic on any object type and size, from business cards to billboards. 在这种情况下,矢量图形的优势在于它们是灵活的, 你可以根据自己的需要或喜好轻松地更改设置.


向量被广泛用于简单和复杂 illustrations as well. 它们允许创建具有清晰线条和形状的图形. Plus, 一些最现代的程序也允许你创建和添加阴影, effects, and textures, 让您获得更准确和真实的结果.


矢量图形优于栅格图形,甚至对于移动应用程序和程序也是如此. 事实上,它们被广泛用于创建界面和图标. They’ll allow you to resize the graphics and adapt them to different screen formats while keeping the original resolution.


满足用户从他们最喜欢的设备访问您的网站, 向量是最佳选择 logos because they can adapt to multiple screen formats (desktops, tablets, and mobile devices). Furthermore, 因为你可能需要在多种类型的资产上使用你的标志, 比如名片和演讲, 您希望它在保持高分辨率的同时尽可能地可调整大小.

Product mockups

如果你需要创建品牌商品,你需要使用矢量图形. This way, the design can be enlarged to fit bigger and smaller items, like t-shirts and keychains. 这意味着您可以在多个图形上使用相同的图形 product mockups,节省您的时间和金钱.

Email campaigns

Users who open their emails on various devices want to see your graphics clearly without any blurred lines or shapes. In addition, professional illustrations will help you achieve your email marketing goal by resulting in more clicks and sales.

Video games

The use of realistic graphics is becoming increasingly important as video games are becoming more and more realistic. 在这种情况下,建议使用矢量图形. They’re realistic and allow you to edit, reshape, and resize them freely, with no restrictions.



如果你不认识他们, we listed below some of the most relevant advantages you can benefit from by using them.


矢量图像是可伸缩的. This means you can zoom them in or out indefinitely without experiencing any quality loss. 这是特别有益的,因为:

  • 你可以查看任意大小的对象;
  • 根据您的需要,您可以放大或缩小图形;
  • 可以在不影响分辨率的情况下导出任何大小的图形.

Lightweight size

矢量图形比基于像素的图形包含更少的信息. 这意味着您可以拥有具有复杂形状的图形, texts, 颜色和仍然具有轻量级文件.

Thus, 即使你决定把它添加到你的网站上, 您不会加载它,也不会破坏它的整体性能.


矢量插图可以看起来非常逼真和精确. Vector programs let you manipulate an object to the last millimeter because of their precision. 这意味着您将能够用专业插图丰富您的内容.


矢量图形可以很容易地动画化. 这意味着你可以让你的内容更具吸引力和互动性. 用户会变得更感兴趣,并花更多时间与之互动.

动画可以在每次页面加载时显示. You can make it interactive by letting them perform an animation whenever users hover their mouse over the graphics.


在成千上万的图形中进行选择可能并不容易. 做出错误的选择可能会影响你的内容的整体成功. Thus, 来帮助你完成这一步, we listed below some of the most relevant tips to follow when choosing one or more vector graphics.


The first thing you should consider is the topical relationship between the graphic and your business or type of content. 这两者之间一定有联系. This will allow you to guarantee topic consistency throughout your content or digital asset.

Design consistency

除了主题,设计也要一致. The colors, shapes, lines, and overall design of the graphic should be equal or similar to those you used for the other elements of your content or asset. This way, 你将为用户提供一致性的设计, 使你的内容看起来专业和整洁.

Right file format

因为矢量图形有多种格式, 您应该根据预期用途选择最合适的. For example, 如果您打算使用特定的编辑程序编辑图像, 例如Adobe Illustrator, 你最好选择它的原生文件格式(AI). Otherwise, 如果你想实现图形到你的网站直接, SVG文件格式最适合这种用途.

Available support

You may have questions or doubts when using graphics that you have purchased and downloaded. In such cases, 访问支持可以让您快速获得问题的答案和解决方案, 节省了你自己解决问题的时间和精力.


水印是叠加在图像上的标志、邮票或签名. These could ruin the overall appearance of the graphics and affect the overall design of your content. Thus, you should make sure that the vectors you decide to buy or download are free of these types of marks.


有几种文件格式是专门为矢量图形设计的. 然而,它们彼此不同. 考虑到预期用途,您可以选择并使用其中一个.



EPS格式被广泛用于矢量元素,如图标. The primary advantage of this type of format is its compatibility with the most popular editing programs and types of assets.


AI格式是adobeillustrator软件的原生格式. 这些被标识创建者和平面设计师广泛使用, illustrators, 以及使用Adobe程序进行编辑和创作的打印机.


SVG格式是面向web的文件. 如果你想在你的网站上放置图形,甚至是动画, 这种格式是适合您的解决方案. You’ll be able to resize and adapt the illustrations to the other element sizes present on your site. 这种格式也适用于徽标、图标、按钮等.


您的项目可能需要使用多个矢量图像. 在这种情况下,单独购买它们既昂贵又耗时. 如果这是你的情况,订阅 og体育首页ONE Plan可能是您需要的正确解决方案. 它将允许您无限下载 vector graphics 以及许多其他由专家设计的数字资产.

Vector Images Q&A


矢量图像是物体的图形表示, such as lines, shapes, and other points, 可以用来创建简单的绘图或复杂的表示.


栅格图形由像素组成,而矢量图形由路径组成. 你可以在不损失质量的情况下无限放大和缩小矢量. 光栅图像,由于其组成,将看起来模糊时,调整大小或重塑.


Adobe Illustrator是创建和编辑矢量图像的最佳程序之一. It offers a wide range of tools to enable you for a correct and fully functional creation.


一般来说,PDF是矢量文件. 然而,根据它最初的创建方式,它也可以是一个光栅文件.


将您的栅格图形转换为矢量, 你可以使用下列最受欢迎的程式或网上工具之一: