Rocketex Pro Logo模板
Romotion, red, rocket, service, site, soaring, space, sphere, star, studio, support, tagline, template, trend, unique, vector, web, website, working
Support: 5/5
徽标规格全矢量文件自由字体使用:bahnschrifty可编辑和可伸缩的myk可编辑的颜色300 DPI分辨率多颜色准备打印文件containsdobe Illustrator Ai...
Introducing the FF信现代标志设计, 此标识用于字母ff标识, hexagon, f or fo, minimal, modern, text, icon, symbol, lettermark, monogram, unique, simple, brand identity
人类关怀箱标志设计 Vector Icon Symbol Illustrations. 一个多功能的标志,可用于许多医药技术和健康保健业务公司和服务.
Professional logo with letter N for your company. 标志矢量格式,完全可编辑. Editable and resizable vector file Editable text and colors.
如果您需要使用文件的任何帮助或需要特殊的自定义,高质量可编辑的文本字体是在ADOBECMKYfiles包括dai $ EPS FilesRradme文件4颜色变化...

Writer支持Logo模板 by MadebyZeeshan

Writer支持Logo模板 is a professional logo design. You can use it if you are an online writer, online chat, copywriter, author, 或者任何呼叫中心公司.标志设计的特点-创造性...


选择一个标志,以及写一个品牌的书,是一个重要的事情. In this selection, 你可能会看到一些商品,可以帮助你用最少的努力创建一个优秀的品牌. Cyan logos are layouts that will suit many people. 但值得弄清楚的是,这些设计最适合哪些业务. 颜色的选择很重要. 标志中的青色通常用来给人树立自信和平静的心态, relatives, or money. That is why a specific list of companies usually buys our logotypes. 这些业务是什么,如何正确搜索模板,模板有什么特点? 我们将在下面告诉你. 阅读这个有用的、简短的、信息丰富的材料,并在Templateog体育首页上购买!


First, you should decide whether this shade suits your area of work. As you know, 浅蓝色唤起积极的情绪, 营造清晰沟通的氛围, 给予选择的信心, 并且充满了乐观.

Cyan colored logos are best suited for such companies:

  • Banks.
  • 金融机构.
  • 保险公司.
  • 生态卫士.
  • 医疗机构.
  • Private clinics.
  • 时髦的衣服.
  • Ecological goods.
  • Medical pills.
  • Tourist agencies.
  • Windmills.
  • 安装窗户.
  • Construction.
  • Repair.

我们可以继续列举. After all, 仍然有许多大大小小的公司发现青色的公司标志很有成效, practical, and valuable. 在我们的网站上选择.

请注意,公司在业务发展的不同阶段订购现成的标识. 这个时期既可以是一个新项目的开始,也可以是一个相对较老的公司的发展. 此外,世界知名品牌经常改变或将其商标转换为更现代的商标. 时间不会静止. 因此,你必须跟随网页设计趋势,有时更新你的公司风格.



Among the standard benefits, we highlight the following:

  • Customizability. 人们经常使用没有全局编辑的设计,并写下公司名称或缩写. Additionally, buyers change the appearance in a well-known graphic editor, for example, Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Microsoft Word, Figma, or Sketch.
  • Different formats. 例如,Web开发人员在不同的文件类型中创建一个布局来获得更多的客户端, 一些买家喜欢EPS, AI, PSD, or SVG. 您可以选择任何格式,并开始在您熟悉和喜爱的图形编辑程序中进行编辑.
  • Ready to print. 带有青蓝标志的公司不仅可以上传到网站上,也可以在网上进行广告宣传. In addition, 买家通常会在纪念品上印上商标图案,这样收信人就会记住他们的公司. For example, people print their logotype on t-shirts, caps, clothes, bags, umbrellas, pens, pencils, flyers, booklets, and more.
  • High quality. Thanks to the web developer's detailed, fruitful, 工作细致, 布局是可编辑的细节. Images are correctly structured and divided into layers. 由于这一点,买家纠正最小的细节,使外观完美.
  • 几种类型的许可证. Among customers, we often see marketing, advertising, and PR agencies. Such firms buy items for their clients. Of course, you want to use the purchased design more than once. In these cases, a commercial license is beneficial. A personal tariff is suitable for one-time use.

For more detailed information, please refer to the product page. 所有的特征专家都描述了,并放置了一个预览的布局.


A trademark serves you for several years. Through it, people remember the company and become regular customers. Therefore, 这是值得仔细和深思熟虑接近一个合适的标志外观的选择.

Firstly, the demo shows all the features of the layout. This point is the best way to determine how well the design suits you. Decide on a style. After all, web developers make their products in classic, modern, gothic, minimalist, retro, 还有其他方向.

Second, talk about the graphic editor and format. 要了解该格式的兼容性和可用性,请阅读设计说明. All essential product parameters we indicated there.

第三,不要把注意力集中在阴影上. 你可以使用Illustrator将浅蓝色更改为另一种色调或添加其他颜色, Photoshop, or Sketch. This way, you create a unique corporate sign your competitors don't have.

第四,如果没有时间设置或编辑,最好联系专业人士. Templateog体育首页提供了一个合格的、快速的、高质量的布局定制服务. The price visitors may find on the product page. There are other valuable services on our marketplace. Learn more at the link.



Make your choice and go to the product page. There, select a Commercial or Personal license. Remember and add the setup services if you need help. Check each point and add it to your cart. Next, go to the order form and make the payment online. All transactions and personal data are protected, so you can safely pay. After receiving the money, you get a letter to the specified email. Please open it and download the ZIP archive with the layout.


您可以在图形编辑器中编辑自己,也可以使用Templateog体育首页上的定制服务. 此外,互联网上有针对新手的指导和视频手册. For example, see how to edit using Illustrator at the link.


颜色不重要吗?? Then look at all the offers on Templateog体育首页. The list 令人印象深刻. Therefore, 我们建议使用过滤器并选择您的活动类型和文件格式来创建合适的选择列表并减少设计数量.

Is there support for cyan logos templates?

Such a service is. So, web developers provide a consultant. 如有疑问,请在购买前联系Templateog体育首页支持部门进行澄清. You may also ask the consultant other questions before payment. It's better to know whether the chosen template suits you. 通过这种方式,您可以确保自己做出正确、明智和长期的选择.