FLUX - Tema WooCommerce del negozio di giochi + RTL

6 mesi di supporto 在此基础上,我提出了一种新的解决方案. 根据不同的信息和不同的特征,包括妊娠期和妊娠期 politica sull'assistenza.

shoppingBag Vendite: 79


Creato: 15 giu 2022

Aggiornato: 20 feb 2024

ID: 252362

og体育首页ONE - Download Illimitati per 14.10$/mese

410k Articoli | Uso commerciale 许可证允许使用此项目创建无限的数字终端产品,以便在您的订阅有效期内销售. | Supporto Abbonati per Scaricare questo Articolo  Gratuitamente
FLUX - Tema WooCommerce del negozio di giochi + RTL - Caratteristiche imagineFLUX - Tema WooCommerce del negozio di giochi + RTL - Caratteristiche imagine

iteniamo是一种有必要的技术革新,因为它是一种技术革新, per questo abbiamo lanciato FLUX, un nuovo tema WordPress e woo-commerce, creato con un design unico a base di carte e bordi arrotondati, il più simile possibile alle moderne app . 在WooCommerce的经典功能中,它包含了一个专属于caricare siluppatori (societecompondi siluppdi giochi)和piatatformme(控制台)的功能, PC, ecc.) e插件可选的暗模式来过滤每一个页面的协商. 在“Larghezza intera”模型中包含所有可能的模型。, modaliton.com RTL -修改的gli - elenchi / prodotti / visualizzazione / schedule / orizontali, simili alle applicazioni mobili, 我们有可能通过数据个性化(tasso ESRB)来实现这一目标, editor punteggio) a ciascun prodotto, accanto a "Aggiungi al carrello".

Speriamo che conquesto tema to posposa crea two谈判者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者,协商者.


1.1.1 - FEB 2024

  • 向产品关系字段添加相关帖子(双向)
  • Included the Related Product on the post template
  • Fixed sub_field compatibility issue with latest version of ACF
  • Fixed issue with Fluid Container option
  • Compatible with latest WP and WC versions - JAN 2024

  • Fixed issue in Navbar style
  • Updated woocommerce template files
  • Compatible with latest WP and WC versions - JAN 2024

  • Fixed issue with a toggle on Theme Settings
  • Fixed issue in Woo Sidenav - OCT 2023

  • Fixed issue with "Featured Items" module
  • Fixed issue with Woo color notifications

1.1.0 - SEPT 2023

  • Fixed navbar css issues
  • Fixed some grid issues
  • 增加了IGDB API兼容性(由我们开发的非官方模块). 如果产品上存在游戏ID,字段将显示在新的前端框上
  • Added new switches for shop page, 现在可以切换打开/关闭星级和选择缩略图预大小的选项
  • 固定相等高度的问题,在商店页面和产品档案模板
  • 所有商店页面的改进也适用于所有产品类别和分类(使用相同的“内容产品”模板)
  • 增加了在首页产品滑块上显示或不显示产品标题的开关
  • “商店页面”标签内容上的主题设置后端现在分组
  • Updated Ramsthemes Addons to 1.0.3 (mandatory)
  • Demo updated

1.0.9 - MAY 2023

  • Updated demo
  • Fixed some CSS styles
  • Added RTL Compatibility
  • Removed unused social icons - APR 2023

  • Updated demo
  • Fixed some CSS styles
  • Compatible with latest WP and WC versions

1.0.8 - FEB 2023

  • Updated demo
  • Added custom age rating taxonomy and custom field for products
  • Added new social networks links
  • Updated woocommerce template files

1.0.7 - FEB 2023

  • Updated demo
  • Changed the align addtocart script with new matchheight js; this avoid the slow sliding effect and optimizes loading
  • 为主页和商店页面添加了基于等高或砌体网格的新逻辑
  • Fixed some CSS styles

1.0.6 - JAN 2023

  • Updated demo
  • Added Home Model Order for Homepage on Theme Settings. Useful to order the Modules without using the Child Theme.
  • Fixed some CSS styles

1.0.5 - November 2022

  • Added option to align price on cards layout
  • Fixed styles of star ratings on cards and single product page
  • Added styles for Reviews on single product page
  • 为按钮添加了xs样式,并将博客上的分类法按钮更改为此大小
  • Updated demo

1.0.4 - November 2022

  • Updated woocommerce template files
  • 更改了当产品页面切换到显示产品数量时添加到购物车按钮的样式

1.0.3 – September 2022

  • Changed archive titles with H1 tag
  • Changed blog archive titles with H4 tag
  • 为家庭产品和帖子模块增加了滑块或网格模式的开关
  • Added exported file for TI Wishlist plugin (optional)
  • Changed Classic Editor and Widgets plugin as optional on TGM
  • Added List Page templates for custom taxonomies


  • Fixed some css styles
  • Fixed pagination issue
  • 将移动设备上的搜索栏更改为紧凑框(仅适用于移动设备,不支持响应视图)
  • Removed unuseful imagesloaded.js

1.0.1 – August 2022

  • Fixed some css styles
  • Added Out of stock and Backorder custom text for shop
  • 在前端添加了与Kinguin插件的兼容性(可选)和教程

Version 1.0

  • Initial release

9 Recensioni per questo prodotto

Fantastic support !! Genuine woocommerce template for game store.
Super Thanks! 👍
This FLUX template is pure gold. 团队不断更新它并提供出色的客户支持, even for basic and sometimes even stupid questions.
Super Thanks! 👍
我在这里告诉你这个主题是我用过的最好的主题. 我已经使用了100种主题和太阳下的每种类型的构建器. 我在WordPress上有1000个小时的时间,我在专业环境下为公司完成了大部分工作. The developer has thought of everything. 设计是优雅的,用户体验是你所需要的任何一种网上商店. The dark theme is one of the best looking styles I have seen. It runs fast and it's responsive out of the box. If I had one piece of advice... read the documentation. It will get you through the initial setup process. Excellent work here. Very excited to show this off.
Oooh thanks for that wonderful words! 👍
出现所描述的问题是由于用户安装不完整. After we entered on the Admin Dashboard, we imported the full demo without problems, but the user server/hosting was very slow. 第一个支持票出现在上午7点32分,并在上午9点42分得到回答(都在我国的时区), the american time), in fact two hours and ten minutes, when the max answer time estimated is 8 hours. 如果响应时间超过8小时,则是由于各国之间的时差. 主题也有文档离线和在线和常见问题解答典型的用户问题. Thanks.
主题是简单的,但有所有的功能,你可能想要的,是非常容易使用. 不幸的是,我遇到了一个bug,但作者的支持是惊人的. He fixed it for me in less than 24 hours. I highly recommend this theme!
Thanks for the positive energy! It really help us to grow.

0 Commenti per questo prodotto

Riguardo all'Autore

Expert Author

Customer Support

4,8 /5
Support rating (48 ratings) 此评级是基于获得该产品作者支持的客户的反馈. 5 44 4 2 3 1 2 0 1 1
Response Time: Fast 该值表示对客户端查询或请求的平均响应时间.
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