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创建: 3月19日. de 2015

更新: 10月27日. de 2023

标识: 53388

og体育首页ONE -无限下载 $14.10 /月

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卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 1卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 2卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 3卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 4卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 5卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 6卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 7卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 8卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流-功能图片9卡车-响应式WordPress主题的运输和物流 - Features Image 10


Um modelo de site de trans为te rodoviário é o que você precisa se estiver no setor de logística, tiver seu próprio serviço de entrega ou fornecer serviços de trans为te rodoviário. 使用这个模板, 你将创建一个很棒的网站,以非常漂亮的方式展示你的服务, 你的潜在客户可能会了解他们.

这个解决方案非常实惠. 您将收到一个准备好的网站,并成为这个CMS的粉丝社区的一部分, 其中包括梅赛德斯-奔驰和斯巴鲁零部件等知名公司.

为什么我们推荐使用Trucky WordPress主题? 主要原因是这种解决方案的简单性和可用性. Qualquer pessoa pode cuidar da construção e configuração do site sem a menor experiência e conhecimento de programação. O WordPress é gratuito e a única coisa pela qual você precisa pagar é um modelo premium. 不像免费模板, 现在是非常多的, 高级型号有真正高质量的设计, 页面加载速度快, 在搜索引擎优化方面进行了优化,并得到了开发者的支持. 这些模型不断发布更新, 因此,您的网站的安全性是绝对保证的. 这些并不是卡车的全部好处.


Trucky é um tema WordPress responsivo que foi cuidadosamente verificado 为 nossos especialistas, 所以你可以确定这个模型的质量. 如果你想向你的竞争对手展示你的能力,就选择它. 这是一个惊人的响应式WordPress主题的物流,运输和航运. 特拉基自带最先进的WordPress网站构建器. 使用最新的网络技术, 高质量的用户体验和最美丽的设计趋势, 这个主题将是您业务的完美选择. 创建美丽和有创意的网站没有代码. Há uma grande seleção de páginas especializadas que você pode alterar facilmente de acordo com sua preferência. 如果你正在寻找一个创新的WordPress主题, 为您的运输公司提供现代化和清洁的服务, 卡车是来帮忙的.


1. 管理小组

2. 谷歌地图

3. 视网膜上准备好了

4. 性能优化

5. 视差

6. 响应

7. 菜单被停职了

8. 博客

9. 拖放内容

Trucky é um tema WordPress moderno e responsivo especialmente desenvolvido 为 todos os tipos de empresas de trans为te. 它还带有最强大的拖放构建器. 主题非常灵活, 有很多很棒的功能, 作为背景图像选项, 可定制的布局颜色, 三种查看模式, Ajax的功能, 演示页面变体和更多. 此外, é ótimo para empresas relacionadas à entrega rápida de encomendas, serviços postais, etc. Layouts exclusivos permitirão que você obtenha um site completo em poucos minutos. 此外, o tema é compatível com WPML para a criação de versões multilíngues do site da sua empresa.

Trucky不仅反应灵敏,而且适合视网膜屏幕. Seu site funcionará perfeitamente em qualquer dispositivo e as imagens permanecerão nítidas e brilhantes como sempre. 让你的想象力尽情驰骋, 要有创意,不要害怕尝试这个优秀的WordPress主题.


Trucky是一个多功能的WordPress主题. 功能强大, 但易于使用, 包括可定制的模板和拖放页面构建器. 您不需要任何技术知识来定制主题. 严谨的设计与卓越的功能相结合. 该工具包包括所有必要的公司页面, 包括主页, “og体育”, “服务”及“博客”. 让你的网站设计更独特, 你可以使用Elementor网站构建器创建一个网站. 这种方式, você criará essencialmente um modelo de site de trans为te rodoviário completamente novo que atenderá totalmente às suas expectativas.

项目可以作为一个画廊美丽地呈现, 它有内置的元数据和按标签和类别过滤的能力. Também está incluído um grande número de widgets elegantes, incluindo redes sociais.

O template é otimizado em termos de SEO devido ao código bem escrito e alta velocidade de carregamento, 经测试证实. 布局是响应式的. O conjunto inclui lindos ícones do Google e instruções para instalar e configurar o tema. 你会明白的, 所以不要担心, 但是现在就用最好的卡车网站模板创建一个网站.



  • WordPress 6.3)相容性;
  • Elementor页面构建器.16相容性;
  • 修复了一些小错误.


  • 修复了一些小错误;
  • Elementor页面构建器.12相容性;
  • WordPress 6.2)兼容的.


  • 修复了一些小错误;


  • 删除Cherry插件;
  • 修复了一些小错误;
  • Elementor页面构建器.5相容性;
  • WordPress 5.9兼容.


有购买, installed, 和定制的多个Wordpress模板, 我想我知道从模板怪物期待什么, 虽然我以前从未使用过它们. 首先,我安装了模板, 并发现它没有演示版本的功能或自定义. The next day, they responded and told me that I needed to follow installation instructions. 好的,请提供. They provided a link to a page on their website that had a long list of technical instructions to follow. 不是我过去的经历,但不管怎样. 我遵循他们的信. 两个插件不再可用,但无论如何激活. 仍然担心. 然后他们修复问题并替换文件在我的Cpanel. 去我的网站地址,网站看起来像演示. 最后,对吧? 登录到我的Cpanel开始编辑我的新模板. 无法登录,当我尝试登录Wordpress时发生了严重错误. 他们回答说他们要看这个问题. Ended up reaching out to Hostmonster tech sup为t and a few minutes later was informed that one of the plugins that they installed was outdated and there was a PHP incompatibility with the plugin. 他们为我禁用了插件,访问恢复了. Still have no idea what the now three disabled/unavailable plugins were supposed to do. 所有图像都被模糊了, I assume that this is because they're not selling me the images with the template, though there was not a disclosure of this at purchase and I was expecting to use at least a couple of the stock images. 现在技术问题(似乎)在我身后, 我的注意力集中在模板上-它不容易修改. 这绝对是我用过的最具挑战性的编辑模板之一. 在这一点上, I'm committed - but I might consider all other options before embarking on another adventure with Templatemonster next time. They do deserve credit for following through (mostly) to fix my issues instead of refunding my money like I had repeatedly asked for. 我仍然会, have preferred to avoid the three days of hassle and sitting on chatboxes and instead to have just installed a quality template and began editing a few minutes later as usual.
完美的集成,使用说明和许多versabilita. 主题紧身裤和molto consigliato
模板非常简单和友好. 它很容易安装. 你可以修改很多东西. 模板非常简单和友好. 它很容易安装. 你可以修改很多东西. 文件结构是透明的. 易于配置和修改. 一种非常直观的改变方式. I have installed many templates and I really recommend it to everyone who is looking for professional solutions. 你一定会满意的. 也是你的客户. 这个模板上的页面将是现代的和适应的.
Before buying this template it looked beautiful but later when trying to install it all the images look blur and is very hard to work it and change images. 不仅仅是图片,所有的内容都很难处理. 我答应过一种叫做电动工具的东西,但我的包没有它.
This template worked out to be the best option as it was quite appealing due to its already very relevant layouts for the trans为t industry. The documentation that was included made it easy to get started and follow the necessary steps to get it set up, 我对最终的结果很满意. 一旦它必须定制, 这也是一个简单的过程,每个部分都允许我更新内容. 一个很棒的模板,谢谢





4,4 /5
支持评级(598下调) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received sup为t from the author of this product. 5 464 4 41 3 14 2 8 1 71
响应时间: 正常的 此值表示对客户询问或请求的平均响应时间.










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